Monday, March 24, 2008

May the Lord Bless You and Your Pet!

Saturday I took precious one to a Pet Blessing at a church I visited last weekend. How cute is that??? Let me just say upfront - she is NOT a social dog. She is used to being the ruler of the house and does not take kindly to other animals being around her. Kinda snotty of her huh? Usually I am mortified by her behavior at the vet because she likes to growl at the other dogs that walk up to her to say hi. You would think by looking at her cute self that she'd have a 'i'm cute and love everyone personality'...well she loves all humans - just not all animals. My mom was a little concerned about taking her to this event, and I was a little nervous about it too. So I went to Target and bought her a new girlie collar and leash to try and make up for what her behavior might be like. When we got to the church parking lot, it was so busy with other owners and their four-legged kiddos. So many cute doggies...and what appeared to be a lizard or gecko or something in a container. Overall, she did okay. She did growl and carry on, but in her defense - other dogs were doing the same thing and some were sniffing her hiney - which, I wouldn't like that either! Not having human children (thank goodness), I can only imagine what happened next to be like when you're at a play date or other 2-legged child event. While the young girl was singing at the beginning of the ceremony, this dog behind us starts barking and yapping uncontrollably - which then caused all the other parents to turn around to see..."whose child is misbehaving???" I was rather amused by this because you know they were all silently glad that it wasn't THEIR dog behaving that way. How appalling! You could almost sense that at the next doggy playdate in the 'burbs, that dog and their 'bad parents' were going to be a topic of discussion. But anyway, back to the blessing. When it came time for her turn, I plopped her on the table and she began to shake like a leaf. I later realized that she probably thought she was at the vet and was about to have something shoved in her bum or have a shot or something un-fun like that. Poor thing. But the pastor petted her and asked me what her name was, how old she was and a quality that she has that I like. Well I just rambled off Loyal.....DUH - all dogs are loyal, what kind of generic answer was that?? I should have said - well look at her - she's the cutest thing EVER! Her Mimi stood off to the side and took pictures of her being blessed (which I'm sure she's the MOST Blessed dog there was!), so I'll have to post pics at some point if I can figure out how to do that on here. She then had a Pet Blessing Certificate issued to her and we went home. I asked her after we got home if she felt more spiritual yet...but I think she was probably more concerned about when her boyfriend, Rocky the Raccoon might come over after I leave. She did, however, sleep all night in the house last night, in her bed, on the floor of my bedroom - so maybe she's been blessed to not bark all night at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

1 comment:

mom uv 2 said...

awww kell bell

and yes, i'm going to probably comment on almost every post :)