Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bloggin' doggin' Day 2! Exercise Shmexercise!

Okay - so I'll have to post a day later on all the excitement that happens in my life...'cause I'm one of the last poor shmucks that doesn't have a computer at home right now. Woe is me.

Sooo yesterday I completely punked out on my exercise. I didn't go to the park as soon as I got home from work - which is key for me. Instead I ate take-out mexican and watched the host chat from Regis and Kelly. After sitting in my chair, watching Oprah and feeling like a nacho pig, I got up and went to the park about 6:15. Yea me! Walked around once and called it good - bad me! So yeah....total punk about the walking yesterday. And to think - I was going to walk around twice.....but that obviously didn't happen. Plus, I was feeling blucky from walking after eating all that food...what a doof. On another note - I got to avoid making small talk in passing with this guy that has now decided instead of just smiling and saying hi - he wants to ask how I'm doing. First of all - I'm walking and I hate it - so that's how I'm doing. Second of all...well...I don't want to make small talk when I'm walking....I'm focusing on not falling down.

After my punk walk - I went home and played hide and go seek with my blind dog. Oh she loves it - stop acting like that's mean. I made up for it by snuggling with her in the chair for awhile and we watched Eli Stone - well...I watched it, she just vegged in my lap and kept reminding me that I was a slave to petting her. The time change kicks my butt every year and I think by 8:00 (which was really 7:00)...my body was like...it's time for bed...'cause after that punk walk - you're probably really exhausted, huh? My body can be so rude.

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